Sunday, 22 May 2011

Irina Werning Back to the future

Amazing work from the Argentinian photographe Irina werning who confronts the past with the present thanks to old photographs updated in 2010, or new photographs sent 30 years back. A wonderful look at the past.

To illustrate this time warp, the photographer puts in situation the same people photographed 30 years ago. The models wear the same clothes, they have the same expression on their faces, the composition of the images is identical such as the light, the grain, and the frame to make the present really close to the past. Only the age of the model is changing. The goal of this adequacy arisen from the curiosity of a photographer is to invite people to their future. 

The opposition of two ages 
These photographs echo to the advertising campaign called “Don't age too fast, keep it fresh” as well as the picture of Phil Poynter to contrast between youth and oldness. As for Irina Werning provides a simple fact of evolution, without opposition. However, it should be pointed that the ages drawn in parallel are not the same: the argentinian photographer draws a parallel between childhood and adulthood whereas Phil Poynter and Virgin confront two phrases of adulthood. No envy or narcissistic-nostalgic look in Irina Werning pictures: just a loving look at the past.

Irina Werning's website :
Robot vs Badger (virgin radio)–-keep-fresh/

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